AGMFY22 - Nominations and Agenda

Dear Ausdance QLD Members,

The Ausdance QLD AGM is taking place from 6pm to 7:30pm, Thursday, 23 March 2023. All Ausdance QLD members are entitled to join the meeting and vote to elect the members of the Management Committee.

Below is a list of the nominees (visit the Nominee Bio button to discover more about each of them):

  • Allison Bennett Treasurer

  • Lindsay Carroll  Co-vice Chair

  • Sue Fox Ordinary Member

  • Dr Nerida Matthaei Co-vice Chair

  • Robert dhurwain McLellan Ordinary Member

  • Anne Metcalfe Chair

  • Cleopatra Pryce Ordinary Member

  • Kerry Redfern Secretary

  • Hannah Scanlon Ordinary Member

  • Danielle Stranieri Ordinary Member

We really look forward to seeing as many of you as possible to vote on these positions.

Kind Regards,
Julie Englefield
Executive Director - Ausdance QLD

Ausdance Queensland