Code Reviewer's Compliance Report (APRA AMCOS & OneMusic)

There are so many opportunities to improve the strength and health of the dance industry and community sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start.

So, we’ve gone with the principle of addressing the issues affecting the largest proportion of our members first.  Music licensing is one of these.  Ausdance QLD collated input from our members and submitted it to the Copyright Collecting Societies’ Annual Review. Our members’ observations and experiences have been discussed with the Hon. Kevin Lindgren AM KC and APRA/AMCOS, adminstrators of OneMusic, the primary licensing body for dance businesses, groups and individuals.

We’re pleased to share this report with you – it is substantial, and Ausdance QLD’s bit is only a small part (Page 125-137), but you’ll see your experiences shared and addressed. The next step is providing OneMusic with de-identified case studies to inform their process improvements.

Watch this space, and feel free to contact us directly if you’d like to be involved in this systemic change.


About the author

Julie Englefield

Executive Director, Ausdance QLD

Julie has worked across the disciplines of music, theatre, visual and performing arts in general management, fundraising, sales and marketing for over 25 years.

Her experience in both the commercial (Steinway & Sons) and non-profit (arts and health sectors) provide her with unique insight into what is required for successful and sustainable partnerships. Julie has a solid background in non-profit governance, having also been part of the Singapore Government’s workgroup to develop a national Code of Governance for non-profits. In particular, Julie’s belief in and understanding of the Arts has enabled her to walk the fine line of building commercially robust organisations whilst retaining absolute integrity of artistic purpose.

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