Growing Child Safe Organisations in QLD Submission

In April 2021, Ausdance QLD made a subsmission on behalf of the dance sector to the Queensland Government, Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural affairs relating to a national reportable conduct scheme delivered by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Listed below are 6 recommendations Ausdance QLD has made to the department. Please read the full submission below.


  1. The Queensland dance sector should be regulated immediately to ensure compliance with the Child Safe Standards and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations as well as to meet moral and international legal obligations.

  2. The regulation of this sector is many years overdue.

  3. The sector should be co-regulated with the peak body for dance (Ausdance QLD) to ensure appropriate processes are applied and to maximise effectiveness.

  4. Implementation of regulation for the whole sector can be achieved within two years, providing First Nations’ Peoples are prioritised and there is ongoing comprehensive training, capability building and public awareness campaigns.

  5. Regulation should not be onerous or a ‘box-ticking’ exercise. It must achieve the outcome of the safety of children who are participating in dance in QLD as simply as possible.

  6. A regulatory system must be flexible enough to be used by small and large organisations, and there should be no Cultural, social, geographic or economic barriers to access.