IN|FORM | Lady Gaga

Image by Itamar Freed

Contributed by Courtney Scheu, Independent Dance Artist

I am an independent dance artist, predominantly based in Queensland. I have completed Yoga teacher training, a Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary Dance) and I have recently started training to become a Gaga teacher. Gaga is Ohad Naharin’s movement language and is the daily training method of Batsheva Dance Company based in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Gaga classes are based on a deep listening to and awareness of the scope of physical sensations. While class instructions are often imbued with rich imagery that stimulates the imagination, the layering of information builds into a multisensory, physically challenging experience

The 12-month Gaga teacher-training program immerses student teachers in daily company class with Batsheva Dance Company and the Batsheva Young Ensemble, Gaga/People classes (available to the general public), Gagadim classes (for kids) and other program workshops. There is an emphasis on a well-rounded education By Courtney Scheu Brisbane Independent Artist 22. program, to enable student teachers to fully understand the movement language and its application across various contexts.

Through Gaga classes I have found a lot of freedom, discovery and joy in moving. I can describe my experience of Gaga classes as ongoing physical research of multi-layered tasks and imagery. By increasing the volume of listening to my body I have discovered a greater range and sensitivity to qualities such as delicacy, effort, explosive power and fantasy. I am continually unravelling habits of blocking and holding so that I may listen to the flow of information and connect to the sense of the endless possibilities.

For me, each day begins with a train ride into Tel Aviv. I then walk through Shuk Levinsky – an exotic spice market – to Suzanne Dellal Centre for Dance and Theatre. In class, from the studio windows, I can see the Mediterranean Sea and Jaffa Port, one of the oldest ports in the world.

Spending time in Israel to begin Gaga teacher training has provided me with the opportunity to connect with dance artists (from countries including Chile, China, Canada, the United Kingdom, Norway, Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia and Israel), contribute to cultural exchange, experience new international contemporary dance work and present my own work in Tel Aviv. My experiences are also informing my choreographic practice and the new work I am creating.

Undertaking Gaga teacher training has further developed my understanding of my body, enhancing my choreographic and performative practice. I have become aware that I require clarity in my own understanding and knowledge to be able to effectively articulate physical and sensational experiences. Gaga teacher training has required me to interrogate my perspectives, priorities and habits and actively examine how I engage with people. In this way, undertaking teacher training qualifications has assisted me in identifying the gap between reality and my perception of reality. Teaching supports and stimulates my arts practices while being a highly fulfilling way to give back and to share with the community.

This project is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and the Ian Potter Cultural Trust.