NAIDOC Week Statement

Like so many of you, this year Ausdance Queensland has been on a journey.  A big part of this has been learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Traditions and Cultures. Given an immense history of over 60,000 continuous years, 260+ distinct languages and many tribal groups, we know this journey of building our awareness, knowledge and understanding, will be generations-long.  We are very grateful to First Nations colleagues from around the State who have given us time, generosity of spirit and forgiven us for how little most of us know.  The Management Committee and Staff of Ausdance QLD have committed to embedding First Nations perspectives into all the work we do, policies we create and services and education we provide going forward.  

We acknowledge the wisdom of respected Elders and will seek guidance and permissions appropriately. We will work hard to support, strengthen and connect the hard work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Artists and Cultural Practitioners with communities; local, national and global.  We will tread carefully with open hearts and sensitivity, knowing how much suffering has gone on before and continues today. As a mainstream organisation we are making a commitment to honour the country’s First Nations Peoples beyond NAIDOC week and continue our work, with them in the forefront of our minds.

This is the beginning of small, beautiful and irreversible cultural change for Ausdance Queensland and we look forward to listening and learning how you can be part of this too.

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