The Greatest Teachers On Earth

Image provided by Tyrel Dulvarie

Photo by Jade Ellis Photography

The most important thing I can say here and now is we, Ausdance QLD, a non-Indigenous organisation located in a small office in Magan-Djin (Brisbane) can never provide anyone with First Nations Cultural guidance.

It is both impossible and inappropriate.

What we can do, however, is lead by example. And the example we hope we’re giving is deep, genuine and humble respect for the Traditional Owners, Custodians and all First Peoples of this continent and these islands.

It is important to consider and recognise the quality and excellence of pedagogy required to pass down infinitesimally accurate knowledge of a dance, a song, a story, a piece of music, a set of instructions through thousands of generations. The Queensland Dance Education Conference 2023 responds to teaching, professional development needs in a small way – we all know learning is lifelong. Our teachers, presenters and facilitators are experienced, generous, passionate and very well-respected, led by our keynote speaker, Gaja (Aunty Roslyn Watson).

QDEC23 is held at the Thomas Dixon Centre, Magan-Djin (Brisbane) on Friday 5th May. Opening protocols will be delivered by Nunukul Yuggera, the Ruska Family of Yuggera and Turrbal Peoples. Content includes workshops, conversations, curriculum updates and progressive teaching strategies.

A limited number of places remain available at

Ausdance Queensland