Media Release: Safedance™ for Kids

Article image provided by Amy Kirwan (Dance Cart) to promote Ausdance QLD services. Amy is a proud Ausdance QLD member and retains the rights to this photo.

ID: Young students of varied gender are dressed bright blue t-shirts. They are dancing in class in front of a colourful, painted backdrop.

We are very proud to announce the launch of Ausdance QLD’s new program; Safedance™ for Kids. Development of this program starts today!

Safedance™ for Kids is a six-session education program to be delivered in communities by communities. Designed to be a fun, engaging and physically active program for dance students aged 8-10 years old, the six sessions teach Cultural, physical, mental health and social safety. Ausdance QLD will train teachers to provide this in a child-safe environment and include families/carers in the learning journey. Included in the program enrolment fee, kids also receive a goodie bag, meet a dancer and experience a professional dance performance.

Safedance™ for Kids pilot stage includes the planning, content development, operational and systems development and testing with key Ausdance QLD members around the state. Underpinning all content will be First Nations Cultural safety.

Our members – in QLD and across Australia – have asked for leadership in improving child safety in our sector. We know there are anxieties, eating disorders, unsafe moves, inappropriate costumes, uncomfortable physical behaviours, social media challenges and damaging training techniques.  Sometimes there is long-term psychological and physical impact created or perpetuated in dance environments. We also know this can occur from an early age. In 2021 Ausdance QLD made a major submission to the Ministry of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs on the subject of child safety in the dance sector following substantial consultation with our members. We did the same, on behalf of the national Ausdance Network to the Office of Child Safety at a federal level.


‘Changing an entire sector is not a small thing.
Long journeys start with a single step
and Safedance™ for Kids takes that step now’
Ausdance QLD


Child safety is non-negotiable. The challenge is how to create this effectively, sustainably, and accessibly across all our dance communities teaching children.

We understand teachers feel overwhelmed with the workload, so we are designing Safedance™ for Kids to be easily incorporated into weekly timetables. This suits our broad range of members; large companies, community dance organisations, First Nations Cultural dance groups and dance studios of all sizes. It works for styles from contemporary to hip hop, from ballroom to social partner dancing, to Highland and multicultural dance.

In planning Safedance™ for Kids, we were inspired by the innovative Auskick ‘model’; which educates local communities through active practice whilst ensuring financial sustainability. Child safety is a universal concept for all dance communities. This is the core of our community-driven program to create social and cultural change. 

We have tested the concept, idea, and financial structures over the last two years, and in 2022 the John Villiers Trust, a QLD-based philanthropic trust, made the first funding pledge. Our newly appointed Project Manager, Jodi Curnow-Baker has begun planning, coordinating the content build and the consultation process. Queensland State Government, Arts QLD, encouraged us to apply for a ‘strategic partnerships’ grant and we’ve brought in partners who can support various stages including Australian Society of Performing Arts Health (medical practitioners specialising in performing arts health), Australian Teachers of Dance, key regional studios, remote dance communities and dance companies working with children.

Pilot sessions are scheduled for early 2024. As the program develops, roll out will progress across more studios and dance groups in 2025 and 2026. 

The benefits to a studio providing Safedance™ for Kids include:

·        Improved teacher knowledge about child safety

·        Children & families understanding age-appropriate safe behaviours

·        Increased enrolment income to support business sustainability

·        Community recognition of your commitment to child safety.

Safedance™ for Kids meets two of the National Principles for Child-Safe Organisations;

“ - Children and young people are informed about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.”

- Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.”

As participation quickly grows around Australia and hundreds of small and large dance communities provide the Safedance™ for Kids program, we know small businesses will be stronger and their communities more knowledgeable. Most importantly, our children will be empowered to speak up for themselves and others to ensure their spaces, minds and bodies are safe as they explore the wonderful world of dance.

The Ausdance QLD Annual Giving Campaign is now live!
