Sector Consultation 2020

On the 6th of March 2020, Ausdance QLD will be holding a sector and members consultation to discuss the future of the organisation and to find out what the sector needs from the organisation and what the dance community would like to see us doing for the sector.

The Ausdance QLD board is contemplating the future of the organisation and whether it is actually a viable organisation and if not, it is possible that Ausdance QLD will cease operations at the end on 2020 or sooner.

If you truly believe in the importance of this organisation and the support and advocacy it can achieve for the dance sector, we urge you to attend this meeting. If we don’t see the support we believe is out there, we sadly will be closing our doors.

Ausdance QLD has always been an organisation run for its members and we value your input into the future running of the organisation.


Location: Performance Space, Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Art

Time: 3pm - 4:30pm

Date: Friday, 6th March 2020

If you can’t attend the consultation in person here are some other ways to lend your support

  • You can attend via Zoom. We will have these details made public closer to the day

  • FEEDBACK - Via the Ausdance QLD website please fill out our feedback form. Just answer these simple questions “What does Ausdance QLD mean to you?” and “Why dose the sector need Ausdance QLD?” Please also feel free to add other support to the organisation.

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