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Practice of Dance | Choreography

Choreography takes influence from the abstract, the finite and the culturally relevant. Your practice is unique, and it is always evolving. Choreography is practised by teachers in the studio, children in the playground, students in the dance classroom and, of course, choreographers!

In the studios of the Thomas Dixon Centre, renowned choreographer Lisa Wilson will unpack her choreographic practice and explore techniques to support you in building new choreographic work in this immersive workshop.

This workshop is suited to independent creatives, studio owners, educators, and choreographers.

Meet your presenter

HOST | Lisa Wilson (Lisa Wilson Projects / Studio1)

DATE | Friday, June 16 2023

TIME | 10am - 12pm

LOCATION | Thomas Dixon Centre, West End

COST | $40 (members) / $50 (non members)*

*All non-member purchases include 12-months of membership

Background image provided by Lisa Wilson (Studio1 & Lisa Wilson Projects)

Lisa is a proud Ausdance QLD member.