Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal Dancer Company




“The Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal Dancers ,

also known as Yugimbir & Nugi Aboriginal Dancers

The Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal Dancers have been in existence for over 25 years traveling the world extensively showcasing Traditional Aboriginal culture through song,dance and other various forms of cultural expression.

They have performed along side some of the world's greatest performers and Cultural ambassadors .

Their main focus is to bring awareness to Indigenous Culture and current Indigenous issues, they have taught Aboriginal youth and continue to expose  youth to their beautiful Culture which teaches them to be proud and strong.

The directors of the dance troupe are descendents of the Nunukul, Yuggera/Turbul, Yugimbir and Nugi Tribes.” - About Nunukul Yuggera


Traditional Aboriginal Cultural Performance & Welcome to Country

Be caught in the ancient dreamtime and see its story's unfold before your eyes, a powerful ceremony which will leave a lasting impression.

When people visit Australia  and a particular area of the country , it is custom in Aboriginal Culture to welcome people to be part of its tribal land, it is also custom to for this ceremony to be conducted by its elders or descendents of.

This Traditional Cultural Performance starts with a Welcoming song and dance by the Traditional Custodians of the Brisbane. Ipswich, Redlands and Gold Coast areas it is then followed by various song and dances which depicts the dreamtime stories, hunting and gathering of those areas. In between this song and dance there is a didgeridoo solo where the audience can listen to sounds of the oldest wood pipe instrument in the world. The performance is interactive and narrated by the song man.

Practical 1.1 & 3.3 | Traditional Dance Workshop

This highly interactive workshop is designed to teach the skills and technique of Traditional Aboriginal Dance.   

Dreamtime stories are the oral form of the spiritual Dreaming which comprises:

Art: the visual form,

Customs: the practical form,

Dance: the physical form,

Music: the acoustic form,

Totems: the spiritual forms,

Lore: the cultural form,

Lands: the geographical forms.

Altogether they form an all-encompassing, mystical whole: The Dreaming

Nunukul Yuggera’s Indigenous dance artists actively stimulate participants by combining elements of Aboriginal history, storytelling, cultural and religious beliefs. By embracing Indigenous culture, our artists aim to spark thoughts and questions to inspire teachers and leave them with a hunger to discover more.

T facilitators of this workshop are all professional Indigenous artists with a personal connection to the workshops they teach whilst respectfully celebrating the many traditional Aboriginal Clan groups with in South East Queensland through Interactive dance participation in Aboriginal rhythms.

Nunukul Yuggera / Facebook

Eddie and Shannon Ruska are also responsible for the sensational Spirits of the Red Sand

Ausdance Queensland