Natalie Scopelliti


Natalie Scopelliti

Co-founder & Director, Yomconnect

Natalie is the co-founder and director of Brisbane based marketing company, Yomconnect, and global e-learning company, etrainu. 

 Natalie has over 25 years experience in delivering marketing & media strategies for national & international companies in Australia, NZ & the US

 Natalie is an entrepreneur at heart and skilled in the development of multi layered marketing and media strategies that get brands noticed and achieve results. She is passionate about ensuring client side outcomes and service delivery at every level and finding new and innovative ways to connect with audiences.

 The Yomconnect team currently deliver paid and organic digital media solutions to some Australia’s biggest FMCG brands through the RFG and QSR Group. 

 Yomconnect actively supports the arts in Brisbane with current client and support arrangements with Metro Arts and Australasian Dance Collective (ADC). Natalie retains a love of dance and the arts having learned and taught dance from a young age in North Queensland.

Ausdance Queensland