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Ian Potter Cultural Trust | Round Two 2024

The Cultural Trust offers grants of up to $15,000 to assist talented emerging and early-career artists to take up professional development opportunities, usually overseas.

If a development opportunity within Australia is of high quality and can offer exceptional benefit to an individual's professional practice, applicants may seek funding to undertake a professional development project within Australia. In line with the Cultural Trust's funding principle to encourage the diversity, excellence, and distinction of emerging Australian artists, The Trustees have indicated a preference that at least 70% of grants be awarded to support projects overseas.

We support applicants who can demonstrate initiative, exceptional talent, and the ability to convert their ambitions into reality. In particular, we are looking for well-researched and planned projects.

The Trust primarily provides support for structured professional development and networking opportunities such as:

  • Residencies

  • Mentorships

  • Study tours that have a clear skills development focus

  • Private lessons

  • Internships

  • Conferences and workshops.

The Trust may also consider supporting postgraduate study with a focus on professional development and artistic practice where no equivalent exists in Australia.

Please note that projects for which the sole purpose is an exhibition, performance, or the making of a work (such as a recording or publication} are ineligible. This includes performances at festivals.