Creative Australia | National Performing Arts Training 2023-28
to 30 Jun

Creative Australia | National Performing Arts Training 2023-28

The objective of the National Performing Arts Training grant is to support the National Performing Arts Training Organisations to provide access to training for talented young Australians who aspire to national and international careers in the performing arts.

The National Performing Arts Training grant will provide funding of $157 million over six years from 2023-24. Grants will be provided to large budget international screen productions undertaking filming in Australia that perform strongly against the assessment criteria.

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Arts Queensland | Performing Arts Market Development Fund
to 31 Dec

Arts Queensland | Performing Arts Market Development Fund

The Performing Arts Market Development Fund (the Fund) is a key program of the Queensland Government’s Grow 2022-2026 (PDF) (1.89 MB), the second action plan for Creative Together 2020-2030

The Fund will support interstate and overseas opportunities that grow Queensland’s cultural economy, increase exposure, facilitate business and career growth, and expand markets and export revenue potential for Queensland-based musicians, performing artists and organisations.


Performing Arts Market Development Fund:

  • Supports attendance and participation in national and international events and showcases that fast-track profile building, grow new networks and connections, and drive career sustainability and economic outcomes through new export markets.

  • Generates national and international sales and touring revenue opportunities for Queensland-based artists and artsworkers by attending major industry markets and events.

  • Enhances skills, professional practice, national and international connections to increase exposure and strengthen the reputation of Queensland’s talented music and performing arts sector.

Market exposure and development through showcasing and market attendance

The Fund supports market exposure and development opportunities for individuals or groups including:

  • enabling Queensland-based artists’ and artsworkers’ participation in interstate and overseas buyers' marketplaces

  • extension of scope/scale of market activity showcasing

  • attending key interstate and overseas market events to grow commissioning and presentation opportunities for Queensland artists.

Applications for showcasing activities will need to demonstrate that applicants have been invited by their national or international partners directly or have been selected through a competitive process.

Applicants must demonstrate how the supported activity/project forms part of their long-term plan for national or international engagement, growth of profile and market, and potential capacity to expand or replicate projects in other markets.

Bringing national and international presenters/promoters/reviewers to see Queensland performances

The fund will also support economy-class interstate travel and accommodation for national presenters/promoters/reviewers and visiting international presenters/promoters to experience performances being presented in Queensland.


There are two streams of funding available:

  • Applicants can apply for up to $80,000 towards eligible costs for showcasing or market attendance activities (applicants can apply for up to 50% of the total project costs directly associated with the interstate or overseas activity.)

  • Applicants can apply for up to $2,000 towards eligible costs for bringing national and international presenters/promoters/reviewers to see Queensland performances.

The same artist or applicant can receive funding through this Fund only once in a calendar year for each stream, based on the date of submission.

Eligible and ineligible costs

Arts Queensland funding can only be used for the following costs related to the funded activity:

  • economy-class travel, accommodation, travel allowances, visas, registration fees, travel insurance, professional fees and relevant meeting costs.

  • freight, equipment hire, technical support, and management fees associated with the delivery of the activity (applications for showcasing activities only)

  • contingency amounts relating to potential fluctuations in exchange rates and travel and accommodation costs from the time of application.

The fund will not support presenters’ or promoters’ international flights, only their travel within Australia.

The Fund does not support costs associated with attending national or international conferences that do not include, or function as, an industry market.


This is a rolling fund. 

Applications can be submitted at any time.

Showcasing and Market Attendance activities: Successful applicants will be notified no more than 6 weeks from the date of submission. Arts Queensland may be able to process applications in a shorter period when a decision on funding is time sensitive.

Interstate and overseas presenters/promoters/reviewers for Queensland performances: Successful applicants will be notified no more than 2 weeks from the date of submission.


Please refer to the Arts Queensland General Funding Guidelines for general eligibility criteria and definitions.  

In addition to the General Funding Guidelines, applicants must:

  • be based in Australia

  • have written confirmed invitation or endorsement from the interstate or overseas market/partner

  • not receive Arts Queensland funding of more than $700,000 per annum of multi-year funding

  • if based outside of Queensland:

    • be able to clearly demonstrate how their application will grow outcomes and benefit Queensland-based artists and the performing arts sector

    • not receive core funding through either Creative Australia or equivalent State agencies to Arts Queensland.

Successful applicants for overseas activities will be expected to meet with a Trade and Investment Queensland business development representative before their departure to discuss how to leverage outcomes for themselves and Queensland.

How to apply

1. Visit our supporting documents page to view the:

  • Performing Arts Market Development Fund guidelines

  • General funding guidelines

2. Complete the online application form. 

Arts Queensland uses Smartygrants, an online grant application system. If you are unable to access Smartygrants contact:

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Gold Coast Council | Small Grants RADF
to 20 Dec

Gold Coast Council | Small Grants RADF

Activate Small Grants supports individuals, organisations and collectives seeking smaller levels of funding for arts and culture-based activity. Apply for up to $5000.

Activate Small Grants can be applied for anytime. This program is open until 30 June 2024 or until funds are expended. Note: your application must be received at least 8 weeks before your activity start date.

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Arts Queensland | First Nations Commissioning Fund
to 17 Mar

Arts Queensland | First Nations Commissioning Fund

The First Nations Commissioning Fund is focused on investing in opportunities that share First Nations stories and cultural knowledge and elevate awareness of Queensland’s exceptional First Nations arts and cultural products and experiences.

This fund is for First Nations applicants only.


The First Nations Commissioning Fund:

  • Supports the development and presentation of new work and cultural programs by individual First Nations artists, arts workers collectives and organisations.

  • Strengthens skills development and provide new employment opportunities for First Nations artists and arts workers.

  • Grows a pipeline of high-quality First Nations arts, cultural products, and experiences.


Single-year projects—up to $70,000 for projects and programs for up to 12 months.

Two-year projects—up to $150,000 for projects and programs that need a larger and/or longer scale of development of up to two years and include presentation and/or distribution.


Additional funding available

PLUS up to $10,000 towards fees for Queensland-based composers, musicians or librettists to support the commissioning of new live or recorded music as part of your project.

Applicants may only recieve one FNCF grant per calendar year.


Round 4
(Under new guidelines)

29 January 2024 - 11 March 2024

Round 5

1 July 2024 - 12 August 2024

Round 6

3 February 2025 - 17 March 2025

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Arts Queensland | Touring Queensland Fund
to 30 Sep

Arts Queensland | Touring Queensland Fund

The Touring Queensland Fund focuses on supporting regional community access to quality arts and cultural events and products. It supports arts presenters and producers in the delivery of performing arts, visual arts, contemporary music gigs, and cultural heritage touring activity. 

This fund has 2 streams:

  1. Single year and single tour funding for single tours and touring programs including schools touring (within a 12-month period) and single tours to present arts products and experiences across Queensland touring circuits or regions.

  2. Multi-year touring funding for touring programs that are not dedicated schools touring within a 2-year period (with the option to extend funding agreements for a third year of programs) that enhance community cultural calendars and grow audiences for Queensland artists and arts organisations across or within regions.

Funding will support tours within and between regions, touring from Brisbane to regional Queensland locations, and tours from regionally based companies to Brisbane.

Note: The Touring Queensland Fund will only support single-year schools touring projects.  


The Touring Queensland Fund:

  • Supports arts presenters and producers in the delivery of touring arts and cultural experiences and gigs in a range of places including halls, libraries, galleries, performing arts venues, schools and non-traditional spaces within and across Queensland communities. 

  • Grows audience access to and demand for exceptional and diverse arts experiences.

  • Enables audience development within regions, for an artist, organisation and/or artform through touring activity.

  • Increases diverse programming, including First Nations arts, contemporary music, and inclusive arts, and drive regional company touring into new regional locations and Brisbane.

  • Provides new employment and career development opportunities for Queensland artists and organisations.


Single year touring programs and single tour funding—up to $100,000 for tour-ready performing arts, visual arts, schools’ tours, workshops, (any art form that falls under Arts Queensland's responsibility), and events for tour itineraries that include at least three (3) locations within a 12-month period.

Multi-year touring program funding—up to $150,000 per annum for touring an identified circuit of at least five (5) locations multiple times over a 24-month period. Funding will support either;

  • touring programs that repeat visits to the same circuits

  • tours to different circuits across the period.

Applicants can apply for up to 50% of the total project costs (excluding placement cost, see below).


Round 4 

18 March 2024 - 29 April 2024

Round 5

19 August 2024 - 30 September 2024

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Crossroad Arts | 2024 Regional Scholarships
to 20 Oct

Crossroad Arts | 2024 Regional Scholarships

Crossroad Arts presents a fantastic opportunity for regional Australian artists with disability to apply for scholarships of up to $2,000 to assist with travel and accommodation to attend their annual C.R.U.S.H theatre making intensive. This is for ages 15yrs + and for beginners to accomplished performers. All levels invited to apply.

 When:   Friday, 18 October to Sunday 20, October 2024. 

Time: 10-4pm

Where:  Senior Citizens Hall, 58 MacAlister Street, Mackay, QLD

Cost:   $90 for weekend (heavily subsidised).  Companion cards accepted.  Should cost be a barrier to participation, please contact us. 

Access: Venue is wheelchair accessible. Should you have any access requirements please let us know when registering.

To register or for more information contact: or 07 4953 5122 or via the National Relay Service.

All information including past videos of C.R.U.S.H please visit 

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Business Station | Training Courses
to 31 Dec

Business Station | Training Courses

Get the essential skills to enter the workforce in your chosen industry or advance your expertise. With nationally recognised accreditations and a wide range of industry connections, Training Station has the courses and dynamic program delivery you need to confidently take the next step in your career.

Business & Entrepreneurship

  • BSBSS00102 | Micro Business Skill Set

  • BSBSS00103 | New Business Ventures Skill Set

  • BSB20120 | Certificate II in Workplace Skills

  • BSB30120 | Certificate III in Business

  • BSB30220 | Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business

  • BSB40520 | Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

Human Resources

  • BSBSS00129 | Cross-Sector Mental Health and Organisational Disruption Skill Set

  • BSBSS00105 | Human Resources Foundations Skill Set

  • BSB50320 | Diploma of Human Resource Management

  • BSB40420 | Certificate IV in Human Resource Management

Information Technology

  • CTSS00109 | Entry to Tech Skill Set

  • ICT30120 | Certificate III in Information Technology

  • ICT40120 | Certificate IV in Information Technology

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Business Station | Business Coaching
to 31 Dec

Business Station | Business Coaching

What you get in the Business Mentoring and Coaching program

Working with a business coach grants you access to the expertise, resources and support you need to achieve your goals and grow your business. Our business coaching program offers:

  • Tailored coaching & business mentoring

  • Business growth strategy

  • Structured skills development

  • Marketing, financial & operational skills

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Business Station | Thrive Program
to 31 Dec

Business Station | Thrive Program

Ready to let your business thrive?

It’s time to work on your business, not just in it. Join a supportive group of up to 12 other business owners and master your business’ performance through knowledge, skill and discipline. You’ll get:

  • A pre-work support program

  • Three 3-hour professional workshops

  • Follow-up mentor support sessions

  • Fortnightly accountability check-ins

  • Access to Digital Solutions specialist

  • advice

  • 90-day review strategy sessions

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Business Station | Women In Small Business Program
to 31 Dec

Business Station | Women In Small Business Program

Women In Small Business

We see the small businesswoman. We believe in the capacity of women to build ‘unbreakable’ businesses. We understand the loneliness and stress of the small business journey.

In response, our award-winning development the pathway aims to bring together a supportive community of small businesswomen, offering a space to collaboratively overcome challenges,
learn new skills and achieve a better work-life balance.

How do we help?


Business Swings and Roundabouts is a webinar series run on the first Wednesday of the month designed to help small business owners better understand & navigate the business cycle. It will give you access to leading advice and help you clarify your direction in moving forward – sometimes by looking back!


3-part small group workshop series addressing business identity, processes & systems audit, business & sales planning.


Uplift is a small group business coaching course which helps you to build a thriving and healthy business by revisiting priorities and opportunities, addressing systems and processes, to create an accountable business plan. All under the watchful eye of an experienced business coach and in the company of like-minded businesswomen.


There are times we want immediate input and personal growth to take the next step in evaluating and determining our business journey. Accelerate brings together 6-8 small businesswomen for a 2-day intensive focused on personal awareness and business skills with an eye on ensuring there is congruence between our goals and growth for sustainability and fulfillment.

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Brisbane Festival 2024
to 21 Sep

Brisbane Festival 2024

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Brisbane.

We believe that a Festival should be festive and celebrate the personality of its city.

We are Brisbane’s most anticipated event of the year, bringing people together as they awake from their winter slumber for an explosion of arts performances and experiences.

Brisbane Festival is unlike anything else you can experience in the world. We redefine what an International Arts Festival looks and feels like, staying ahead of the game and bringing the next generation with us.

The river and iconic city landmarks are our stage as we create the art that enlivens, delights and disrupts. The curated multi-arts program presents a bold international program transporting our audience beyond the everyday through captivating performances and installations from across the world. We participate in global conversations. Brisbane is a city with boundless ambition, and the program celebrates this through collaborations, commissions and presentations.

We are deeply committed to making the impossible possible for our audiences and our artists. Brisbane Festival is an important time of the year when our artists are pushed beyond the horizon to make the work of their dreams come to life. We inspire audiences with new ideas and experiences that leave life-long impressions. We are at the heart of integrating arts and culture as a vital part of Brisbane’s future, creating an unwavering demand for this wonderful Festival.

Brisbane Festival acknowledges this country’s First Nations people and with their leadership and guidance, we celebrate that deep cultural legacy. We create a rich multi-arts program made by and with our local Indigenous community.

As our city landscape changes and undergoes unprecedented growth, we move forward with gusto, determination, authenticity and excitement. Brisbane Festival is seizing the moment and heralding a new beginning.

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to 4 Nov


Melt OPEN, a major new festival of Queer art and culture, is set to make its mark on the vibrant city of Brisbane, Australia. Premiering in Oct/Nov 2024, Melt OPEN promises to be an unforgettable celebration of diversity, inclusivity and creative expression.

Building on the success of festival predecessor Melt, now in its seventh year at Brisbane Powerhouse, Melt OPEN is a celebration of Queer art, artists, allies, icons, sport and ideas. Melt OPEN aims to raise the bar higher with more venues, more artists, and more LGBTQIA+ love in a city that is gearing up to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2032.

An open access festival similar to fringe events around the world, Melt OPEN will be staged at venues throughout central Brisbane including Fortitude Valley, Newstead, New Farm, Brisbane City, West End and Wooloongabba.

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Queensland Ballet |  gundirgan, wise woman - Katina Olsen's Choreographic Process and Cultural Storytelling Workshop
11:00 am11:00

Queensland Ballet | gundirgan, wise woman - Katina Olsen's Choreographic Process and Cultural Storytelling Workshop

27 OCTOBER 2024 | 11AM – 4PM

Join us for an enriching Professional Development session tailored for Senior Dance teachers (Academic years 10 – 12) and anyone interested in exploring choreographic practice with Wakka Wakka and Kombumerri choreographer Katina Olsen. Drawing from her recent creation, gundirgan, wise woman, commissioned for Queensland Ballet's 2024 Bespoke season, Katina invites you into her world of innovative choreographic process and cultural storytelling.

DATE | 27 October 2024

TIME | 11:00 AM — 4:00 PM

LOCATION | Thomas Dixon Centre


COST | $250 $200 with Ausdance discount, save 20% with the code above

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Studio1 | BrisFest Workshop Series
to 15 Sep

Studio1 | BrisFest Workshop Series

Studio1 opens their doors to visionary dance-theatre companies featured in Brisbane Festival's 2024 program - Force Majeure, Dancenorth & Restless Dance Theatre. Get involved in one of (or all) three inclusive workshops that investigate process and creativity led by Australia’s leading makers of contemporary and dance theatre works.

Studio1 is a choreographic hub and micro arts precinct, supporting the day-to-day practice and ongoing development of Independent Dance and Physical Theatre in Megandjin. The organisation champions safe spaces frameworks and actively encourages people from First Nations, LGBTQIA+, CALD and D/deaf and/or Disability communities to participate; each workshop included Pay What You Can (no minimum spend) options.

Age recommendation: 16+


$15 or Pay What You Can


Creative Movement Workshop with Michelle Ryan (Artistic Director, Restless Dance Theatre)
$20 or Pay What You Can

OR Double workshop ticket offer: $30 (Dancenorth + Restless Dance Theatre)

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Business in Training | ONLINE WORKSHOP: One Page Brand Building Planner
12:00 pm12:00

Business in Training | ONLINE WORKSHOP: One Page Brand Building Planner

It's not who you know...IT'S WHO KNOWS YOU.

Feeling invisible in business has it's ups and downs. Not everyone wants celebrity status and not everyone craves attention. But it's not about what you WANT. This is business. Your BRAND IMAGE and VOICE will establish itself with or without your help. 

BUSINESS BRAND PROFILING: Every business develops it's own unique voice through it's actions, reactions, and general communications. By defining your business' brand based on the values and philosophies it upholds, you're unveiling what was already there and LEVERAGING it to grow an audience and customer base of like-minded people who all love and appreciate you. 

PERSONAL BRANDING: No matter how much you hide behind your business logo, the reality is people gravitate towards people. This is why your social media images that include you, will get more attention and engagement than a pic of your car or product. They're already talking about you. By defining your personal brand based on your WHY, you're clarifying the people who should connect with you and your talents. 

What if you could simplify your branding strategy with just one page?

During this 2-hour online workshop, you will:

  • Clarify why people gravitate towards you

  • Understand the elements of personal and professional branding 

  • Discover the One Page Brand Building Planner template

  • Follow the facilitator in completing your one-page plan

By the end of this workshop, you will have a personalized one-page brand-building plan, ready to focus your messages, images and marketing and maximize your earning potential.

This is a paid workshop, offering in-depth, practical insights and personalized feedback to enhance your branding strategy and drive your business forward. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business potential!

COST | $50.16 (incl. $3.16 fee)

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Business in Training | WEBINAR: Unpack Procrastination
12:00 pm12:00

Business in Training | WEBINAR: Unpack Procrastination

...It's not you, it's me. 

That's what procrastination does to our psyche. We constantly think we're running late, ill-prepared and underperforming. 

The truth is MOST people procrastinate in one way or another. We get selective in our tasks, anxious about the unknown, and feel 'crazy busy' all the time. 

But you CAN do something about it. 

Procrastination is a mental battle but the good news is that means it's inside you and you can regain control!

During this free webinar,Rhonwyn (a self-professed procrastinator), will UNPACK the different types of procrastination, why you might be experiencing it and what you can do about it to get you and your business moving!

As with all free Business In Training webinars, this is a high impact session with easy to follow steps to make immediate changes to your way of working. If you're constantly feeling like you're playing a losing game, then this is a must-attend session to figure out how to abandon old ways and work to your strengths. 

While a recording will be available for a limited time after the webinar, by attending the live session, you'll be able to drill us for answers and get started asap. 

See you in there! 

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Queensland Ballet | Teaching Ballet to Adults & Older Participants Workshop
10:00 am10:00

Queensland Ballet | Teaching Ballet to Adults & Older Participants Workshop

8 SEPTEMBER 2024 | 10AM – 4PM 

This full-day workshop is tailored for dance teachers seeking to expand their expertise in teaching ballet to active seniors. The workshop will be led by former Queensland Ballet Soloist and current Queensland Ballet Academy Physiotherapist Melissa Tattam, with input from Psychologist Nancy Pachana. It's important that participants already possess a strong foundation in ballet artistry, teaching strategies, and safe dance practices.  

DATE | 8 September 2024

TIME | 10:00 AM — 4:00 PM

LOCATION | Thomas Dixon Centre


COST | $450 $360 with Ausdance discount, save 20% with the code above

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Business in Training | Personal Productivity - OPEN Group Coaching
1:00 pm13:00

Business in Training | Personal Productivity - OPEN Group Coaching

Want to DO MORE in LESS TIME? Do you often get frustrated at how fast the day goes and how little you feel like you're achieving towards growing your business?
Time is the one resource we can never get back.

Running a small or micro business takes 3x times more effort and time if you try to do everything yourself using the traditional ways. You have to be the talent, be the administrator and be the marketing agent. It's simply CRITICAL that you do this SMARTER. 

That's where GROUP COACHING comes in. 

Our Group Coaching format provides an incubator for you to learn from experts, learn from your peers and learn how to be accountable to actually GET STUFF DONE! 

During these weekly 50min sessions, we cover:

  1. 15min micro-learning on time management and productivity techniques from experts in the field 

  2. 15min Q&A to help further your progress and productivity

  3. 15min planning session to set out the week ahead and how to accomplish it

Group Coaching sits comfortably between classes and business coaching. 

  • It's more affordable than 1-1 business coaching, yet it still addresses all the issues you encounter in your business

  • It's more effective than a business course because you can ask targeted, relevant questions and get real, live answers

  • It's more efficient than webinars and workshops as you get bite-sized, practical learning that you can apply immediately 

  • It connects you with other like-minded, business owners who will be there to support you, just as you can help and support them

FOR A LIMITED TIME, we are opening up the Group Coaching sessions for FREE to anyone who wants to experience them. 

This is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to push your business forward as a solopreneur. No more blocks. No more stagnation. No more wondering if you're on the right track, doing the right things. 


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Business in Training | Start Up Clinic - OPEN Group Coaching
1:00 pm13:00

Business in Training | Start Up Clinic - OPEN Group Coaching

Want MORE CLARITY, DIRECTION and RESULTS in your business?
If you always do what you've always done...You'll always get what you've always got.

Running a small or micro business takes 3x times more effort and time if you try to do everything yourself using the traditional ways. You have to be the talent, be the administrator and be the marketing agent. It's simply CRITICAL that you do this SMARTER. 

That's where GROUP COACHING comes in. 

Our Group Coaching format provides an incubator for you to learn from experts, learn from your peers and learn how to be accountable to actually GET STUFF DONE! 

During these weekly 50min sessions, we cover:

  1. 15min micro-learning on marketing techniques and tools from experts in the field 

  2. 15min Q&A to help further your marketing skills 

  3. 15min Hot Seat for those who have a specific challenge they need a solution to.

Group Coaching sits comfortably between classes and business coaching. 

  • It's more affordable than 1-1 business coaching, yet it still addresses all the issues you encounter in your business

  • It's more effective than a business course because you can ask targeted, relevant questions and get real, live answers

  • It's more efficient than webinars and workshops as you get bite-sized, practical learning that you can apply immediately 

  • It connects you with other like-minded, business owners who will be there to support you, just as you can help and support them

FOR A LIMITED TIME, we are opening up the Group Coaching sessions for FREE to anyone who wants to experience them. 

This is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to push your business forward as a solopreneur. No more blocks. No more stagnation. No more wondering if you're on the right track, doing the right things. 


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Business In Training | AI-powered customer engagement for small business
9:00 am09:00

Business In Training | AI-powered customer engagement for small business

AI-powered customer engagement for small business

Learn how AI-driven tools can help you converse with and capture customers for your business. Face to face workshop.

Wed 4 Sep 2024
9:00am to 11:30am

Suburban Business Hub, Nundah

Free - registration essential

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Business in Training | Making Marketing - OPEN Group Coaching
1:00 pm13:00

Business in Training | Making Marketing - OPEN Group Coaching

Want to be MORE CONSISTENT and create greater impact with your marketing in your business?
Wait...that's pretty much EVERYONE, right?

Running a small or micro business takes 3x times more effort and time if you try to do everything yourself using the traditional ways. You have to be the talent, be the administrator and be the marketing agent. It's simply CRITICAL that you do this SMARTER. 

That's where GROUP COACHING comes in. 

Our Group Coaching format provides an incubator for you to learn from experts, learn from your peers and learn how to be accountable to actually GET STUFF DONE! 

During these weekly 80min sessions, we cover:

  1. 15min micro-learning on marketing techniques and tools from experts in the field 

  2. 15min Q&A to help further your marketing skills 

  3. 15min Hot Seat for those who have a specific challenge they need a solution to

  4. EXTRA 30min Just Do It! time to ensure you complete your weekly marketing task/s

Group Coaching sits comfortably between classes and business coaching. 

  • It's more affordable than 1-1 business coaching, yet it still addresses all the issues you encounter in your business

  • It's more effective than a business course because you can ask targeted, relevant questions and get real, live answers

  • It's more efficient than webinars and workshops as you get bite-sized, practical learning that you can apply immediately 

  • It connects you with other like-minded, business owners who will be there to support you, just as you can help and support them

FOR A LIMITED TIME, we are opening up the Group Coaching sessions for FREE to anyone who wants to experience them. 

This is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to push your business forward as a solopreneur. No more blocks. No more stagnation. No more wondering if you're on the right track, doing the right things. 


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Cairns Festival
to 1 Sep

Cairns Festival

Cairns Festival is an annual 10-day celebration of art, culture and the beauty of living in Tropical North Queensland. The event delivers a vibrant, progressive and collaborative festival showcasing the rich cultural identity of Cairns, including the much-anticipated return of Reef Lights at the Esplanade Lagoon.

Since it’s inception in 1961, Cairns Festival continues to proudly showcase the breadth and depth of our local creatives, as well as brings world-class performers to the region.

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PUNQ 2024
to 18 Aug

PUNQ 2024

PUNQ is a biennial place-making festival which activates and engages with spaces, histories, and futures through art. It celebrates the distinct landscapes of North Queensland to inspire cultural exchange and reimagine expectations, transform perceptions and provide unique creative experiences for locals and visitors alike.

The festival presents immersive journeys across North Queensland on Gurambilbarra (Townsville), Yunbenun (Magnetic Island), Warrgamay, Nywaigi & Bandjin Country (Hinchinbrook) and Gudjal Country (Charters Towers).

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Cairns Indigenous Art Fair | CIAF
to 28 Jul

Cairns Indigenous Art Fair | CIAF

Cairns Indigenous Art Fair is an arts and cultural event in the northern Australian city of Cairns, that showcases art by Contemporary Indigenous Australian artists. CIAF is committed to strengthening and celebrating culture, creating professional development opportunities for artists, and cultural exchange between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and visitors.

CIAF is focused on offering an ethical art market place, attracting national and international collectors and curators, commissioning new work and providing pathways for emerging visual and performance artists.

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Anywhere Festival
to 4 Aug

Anywhere Festival

Anywhere Festival is an annual Brisbane based festival for performance anywhere but traditional theatre spaces. Anywhere Festivals makes it possible for performance makers to create works anywhere and for audiences to engage with storytelling while discovering local nooks and crannies. For audiences, Anywhere Festival becomes a discovery of places and performances by using local nooks and crannies: poetry in light houses, circus in driveways, music in backyards, storytelling on ferries, theatre in hedge mazes and musicals in aeroplanes.

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Ian Potter Cultural Trust | Round Three 2024
to 10 Sep

Ian Potter Cultural Trust | Round Three 2024

The Cultural Trust offers grants of up to $15,000 to assist talented emerging and early-career artists to take up professional development opportunities, usually overseas.

If a development opportunity within Australia is of high quality and can offer exceptional benefit to an individual's professional practice, applicants may seek funding to undertake a professional development project within Australia. In line with the Cultural Trust's funding principle to encourage the diversity, excellence, and distinction of emerging Australian artists, The Trustees have indicated a preference that at least 70% of grants be awarded to support projects overseas.

We support applicants who can demonstrate initiative, exceptional talent, and the ability to convert their ambitions into reality. In particular, we are looking for well-researched and planned projects.

The Trust primarily provides support for structured professional development and networking opportunities such as:

  • Residencies

  • Mentorships

  • Study tours that have a clear skills development focus

  • Private lessons

  • Internships

  • Conferences and workshops.

The Trust may also consider supporting postgraduate study with a focus on professional development and artistic practice where no equivalent exists in Australia.

Please note that projects for which the sole purpose is an exhibition, performance, or the making of a work (such as a recording or publication} are ineligible. This includes performances at festivals.

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Studio1 | Creative Workshop with Second Echo Ensemble
11:00 am11:00

Studio1 | Creative Workshop with Second Echo Ensemble

Are you ready to break free from the ordinary and dive into a world of creativity? Whether you're an experienced dancer, singer, actor, or a beginner eager to explore the thrill of performance, our workshop is your perfect stage. Join us for an inspiring and empowering workshop designed for all levels of experience.

Meet the diverse artists of Second Echo Ensemble, learn new moves, and discover exciting ways to express your unique story. This is more than just a workshop—it's your chance to connect, create, be heard and be SEEn.

Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to elevate your performance skills and connect with like-minded individuals. Secure your spot today and step into a world of Second Echo Ensemble.

Please note: Participants under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Key Creatives:
Kelly Drummond Cawthon, Michael Fortescue, Lily Alcock, Aidan Chick

Venue Partner: Studio1 

190 Station Rd, Yeerongpilly QLD 4105

ACCESS Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements. We have AUSLAN and audio describers ready to go but need to know when you are coming so that we can plan. Please indicate your requirements at checkout. Don't hesitate to drop us an email or give us a call. 

Second Echo Ensemble is supported by Arts Tasmania, Creative Australia, the Department of Social Services and our generous donors and volunteers.

Image: Aidan Chick. Photography by Dan Cripps.

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ADC | FREE Regional Contemporary Dance Workshops
to 24 Jun

ADC | FREE Regional Contemporary Dance Workshops

Join ADC for a free contemporary workshop + Q&A

ADC Artistic Director Amy Hollingsworth and Pre-Professional Program Director Alison Currie will deliver a series of inspiring workshops featuring contemporary technique and repertoire.

 Learn directly from these leading Australian choreographers and hear about exciting opportunities including ADC’s Pre-Professional Program (starting 2025).

 All dancers aged 16+ are welcome. Dancers interested in vocational training are encouraged to attend.

/ Toowoomba
Saturday 22 June | 10am – 1pm
The Empire

/ Caloundra
Sunday 23 June | 11.30am – 2.30pm
The Events Centre

/ Gold Coast
Monday 24 June | 10.30am – 1.30pm
Broadbeach Cultural Centre

Places are limited and registrations are essential.

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ADC | Pre-Professional Program Auditions
to 4 Aug

ADC | Pre-Professional Program Auditions

  • Australasian Dance Collective (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Applications to audition for ADC's Pre-Professional Program 2025 are now open. 

Led by a team of industry professionals, the program provides excellence in training and performance and aims to cultivate creative, versatile and employable dance artists.

The nationally recognised qualification, CUA60120 Advanced Diploma of Professional Dance (Elite Performance), will be delivered by ADC in partnership with Australian Teachers of Dancing (RTO 31624).

To assist your application, please join the upcoming Online Information Session and view the 2025 Prospectus

Applications Close | Sunday 4 August 2024
Auditions will be held on Sunday 1 September 2024 in Meanjin/Brisbane.

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Ian Potter Cultural Trust | Round Two 2024
to 18 Jun

Ian Potter Cultural Trust | Round Two 2024

The Cultural Trust offers grants of up to $15,000 to assist talented emerging and early-career artists to take up professional development opportunities, usually overseas.

If a development opportunity within Australia is of high quality and can offer exceptional benefit to an individual's professional practice, applicants may seek funding to undertake a professional development project within Australia. In line with the Cultural Trust's funding principle to encourage the diversity, excellence, and distinction of emerging Australian artists, The Trustees have indicated a preference that at least 70% of grants be awarded to support projects overseas.

We support applicants who can demonstrate initiative, exceptional talent, and the ability to convert their ambitions into reality. In particular, we are looking for well-researched and planned projects.

The Trust primarily provides support for structured professional development and networking opportunities such as:

  • Residencies

  • Mentorships

  • Study tours that have a clear skills development focus

  • Private lessons

  • Internships

  • Conferences and workshops.

The Trust may also consider supporting postgraduate study with a focus on professional development and artistic practice where no equivalent exists in Australia.

Please note that projects for which the sole purpose is an exhibition, performance, or the making of a work (such as a recording or publication} are ineligible. This includes performances at festivals.

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Arts Queensland | Queensland Arts Showcase Program (QASP)
to 9 Sep

Arts Queensland | Queensland Arts Showcase Program (QASP)

The Queensland Arts Showcase Program (QASP) is focused on celebrating Queensland’s artists and stories, ensuring Queenslanders’ access to high quality experiences and growing Queensland’s cultural reputation.



  • Supports the development and presentation of new arts and cultural works by individual Queensland artists, organisations, and communities.

  • Strengthens skills development, and provide new employment and career development opportunities for artists and arts workers.

  • Grows a pipeline of high-quality arts, cultural products, and experiences.


The Fund supports applications from individuals and organisations for projects and programs at different stages of development and across multiple stages from creative development through to production, presentation, and distribution.

For example, you can apply for just the creative development stage of a new work or apply to fund the project from its early stages through to a tour of the finished work.

The fund will also support costs towards artistic collaboration with a nationally or internationally significant artist or company for an outcome in Queensland.

In addition, applicants have the options to apply for additional funding towards an industry placement as part of the project, and/or the fees for the commissioning of new live or recorded music as part of your project.

Funding available

  • Single year projects—up to $70,000 for projects and programs for up to 12 months.

  • Two-year projects—up to $150,000 to support the development and delivery of single projects and programs across financial years. These are projects and programs that need a larger and/or longer scale of development of up to two-years and include presentation and/or distribution.

Applicants may only receive 1 QASP grant per calendar year.

Additional funding available

PLUS up to $10,000 towards fees for Queensland-based composers, musicians or librettists to support the commissioning of new live or recorded music as part of your project

Applicants may only recieve one QASP grant per calendar year.

 Funding rounds

Round 5
4 March 2024 - 15 April 2024

Round 6
29 July 2024 - 9 September 2024

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OHM Festival 2024
to 20 Apr

OHM Festival 2024

In 2023, Brisbane Powerhouse is gifting music and art fans a brand-new boundary-pushing celebration of sound, tunes and performance: ΩHM (pronounced "ohm"). This fresh venture is all about getting adventurous — it hasn't been dubbed a "festival of other music" for no good reason — and sports a lineup headlined by Peaches, Future Islands and Hear My Eyes doing Pan's Labyrinth.

Across February and March 2023, ΩHM will take over the riverside spot with a program curated by Room40's Lawrence English alongside Brisbane Powerhouse Arts Program Director Brad Spolding, serving up a mix of big-name international headliners and emerging local acts — and gigs, cutting-edge shows and immersive installations. Peaches does the honours while she's in the country for Mona Foma, and Future Islands hits the fest as part of their first Aussie tour since 2017.

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Flying Arts | RAF Project Grants
to 15 Mar

Flying Arts | RAF Project Grants

Project Grants provide major funding for high-quality arts projects benefitting regional or remote artists, arts workers, audiences, and communities.

The focus of the project could include any area of creative practice, multiple art forms, or cross-disciplinary practice.

View past recipients


Round 1 2024 – OPENS FEBRUARY 5 

For projects commencing on or after: 1 July 2024
Up to $30,000
Open: 9:00am – 5 February 2023
Closes: 11:59pm – 15 March 2023

We recommend all applicants speak with Flying Arts Alliance’s RAF Program manager before applying. Call (07) 3216 1322 or email to organise a time. 

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ADC | THREE / Masterclasses
to 16 Mar

ADC | THREE / Masterclasses

Learn directly from the celebrated Australian choreographers that make up ADC’s THREE program, for dancers aged 16+. Alasdair Macindoe and Jenni Large present masterclasses to experience the same creative process undertaken by ADC Company Artists to create their new works to be premiered in THREE. Amber McCartney, guest performer for THREE, shares insight into her practice and the making of her acclaimed solo Tiny Infinite Deaths.

Dates & Times

Saturday 3 February 2024

Alisdair Macindoe | 10am – 12pm

Saturday 16 March 2024

Jenni Large | 10am – 12pm

Saturday 16 March 2024

Amber McCartney, 1pm – 3pm

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BrisAsia Festival
to 18 Feb

BrisAsia Festival

BrisAsia Festival returns from 1-18 February 2024 to celebrate Lunar New Year and the Year of the Dragon, a creature that typically embodies the qualities of power, nobleness, leadership, luck, and success. What better way to kick start your year than to connect with culture at BrisAsia Festival, with something on offer for the whole family.

Over three weeks, audiences can experience the transformative power of live performance, learn, and grow through immersive experiences and travel the length and breadth of Asia across the incredibly packed festival program that has something for everyone.

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BLEACH* Festival
3:00 pm15:00

BLEACH* Festival

From the shoreline at North Burleigh, to the valley in Currumbin, to the tidal flow of the Nerang River, the 13th BLEACH* Festival plays to our city’s landscape in all its glorious beauty, with stories of our place.

World premieres from two of Gold Coast’s flagship companies, Everybody NOW! and Corrina Bonshek & Collaborators, bookend the Festival. The Botanic Gardens is once again the home of world-class music under the night sky, with a program of opera, jazz, classical and folk. All you have to do is bring a blanket and your friends, kick back and enjoy.

Our new Broadbeach Festival Hub is one for the diary, with over 20 different performances on offer – from rough diamonds to hidden gems, river concerts to world music, cabaret and party queens, it will be a fabulous night out and there really is something for everyone.

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Arts Queensland | First Nations Arts Business Grants
to 30 Jun

Arts Queensland | First Nations Arts Business Grants

First Nations Arts Business Grants focus on strengthening business skills and capacity of First Nations artists, artsworkers and arts and cultural organisations. 

This fund is is for First Nations applicants only. 



Supports Queensland-based First Nations arts and cultural practitioners, organisations and businesses to access business development services that: 

  • strengthen cultural governance, business and strategic planning

  • increase corporate and commercial capacity to grow new revenue and market opportunities

  • enable professional upskilling and development for board and/or staff.


  • One-off grant of up to $10,000 (excluding GST) are available to fund the purchase of the following eligible services:

    • strategic and business planning

    • governance planning and related training

    • data and digital platforms and related training

    • financial processes including e-commerce and related training

    • human resources advice including succession planning.

You must provide quotes to support the amount of funding requested. 

You can provide quotes for multiple services, however if the quotes exceed a total of $10,000, you will only receive a maximum of $10,000 and will be responsible for the payment of any related expenses in the excess of the $10,000 grant funding. 

Need more information about how building capacity across these areas can support you to grow your business? Please visit the new First Nations Arts Business Hub


Applications can be submitted at any time. Successful applicants will be notified no more than 6 weeks from the date of submission.  The fund will close on 30 June 2024 or when funds for this grants program are expended.

Key eligibility 

To be eligible, all applicants must:

  • be a Queensland based First Nations artist, artsworker or a First Nations arts organisation/arts business

  • have an active ABN – with a business location in Queensland

  • have a bank account in the name of the applicant

  • not be a recipient of any of the following Arts Queensland funding:

    • First Nations Pathways Fund;

    • Organisations Fund prior to 1 July 2022;

    • annual funding of $500,000 or more per financial year (from Arts Queensland)

  • attach a supplier quote for the activity the funding will support.

Other eligibility conditions apply, please read the fund guidelines for all eligibility criteria and compulsory support material.

How to apply

1. Visit our supporting documents page to view the fund guidelines.

2. Complete the online application form - telling us about your business and and how the funding will be used. 

3. Attach the supplier quote/s (if seeking funding for more than one service) which includes the description of the service, costs and planned delivery date

4. Make sure your Australian Business Register profile for your business is up to date (check your ABN status, GST status and Main Business location).

Arts Queensland uses Smartygrants, an online grant application system. For support with technical issues related to the online application, please contact an Arts Queensland Grants Officer on telephone (07) 3034 4016 or toll free 1800 175 531 or email

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Creative Australia | Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups
to 3 Sep

Creative Australia | Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups

About the program

This program funds a range of activities that deliver benefits to the arts sector and wider public, including national and international audiences and communities.

Grants are available from $10,000 to $50,000. Supported activities must not last longer than two years from the proposed start date.

Please read through the following grant guidelines.

If you need advice about applying, contact an Artists Services Officer.

Key dates

Applications close:

  • Tuesday 5 March 2024 at 3pm AEDT, for projects beginning after 1 June 2024

  • Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 3pm AEST, for projects beginning after 1 December 2024.

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Gold Coast Council | Activate Arts RADF
to 12 Feb

Gold Coast Council | Activate Arts RADF

Activate Arts supports arts and culture-based activities that have a clear connection to the Gold Coast and deliver artistic excellence, community benefit, collaboration, sustainability and innovation. Apply for up to $15,000.

Applications close: 12 February 2024
Interview: 21 & 22 March 2024
Notification: April 2024
Projects starting after: 30 April 2024

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Creative Australia | Lady Mollie Isabelle Askin Ballet Scholarship
to 6 Feb

Creative Australia | Lady Mollie Isabelle Askin Ballet Scholarship

The Lady Mollie Isabelle Askin Ballet Scholarship was established by a Deed of Lady Mollie Askin to further culture and advance education in Australia by providing a travelling scholarship for Australian citizens with outstanding ability and promise in ballet.

The scholarship is awarded biennially to a candidate who has outstanding ability and promise in ballet. The scholarship is worth $30,000, payable in two instalments of $15,000 over two years.

Apply by Tuesday 6 February. Find out more.

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Horizon Festival | Artist EOI
to 1 Feb

Horizon Festival | Artist EOI

horizon festival is seeking expressions of interest from artists and creative practitioners — visual artists, designers (from graphic to fabric), performers, musicians, and all other disciplines — to work with the festival from 2024 and beyond. closing february 1.

Our Sunshine Coast arts sector is growing (and evolving) and as the regions premier arts festival, we want to work with artists in new ways. This call-out invites ambitious, practicing artists that live, work, or have a connection to the Sunshine Coast to reach out to us. No theme, no guidelines, no agenda — just you and your work.   

Horizon Festival’s commitment is to embed Sunshine Coast artists throughout the festival program — from start to finish. This is your opportunity to connect with us.  

Questions? Contact a real person here:

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Flying Arts | Quick Response Grants
to 30 Jun

Flying Arts | Quick Response Grants

Quick Response Grants aim to support small arts or cultural projects that cannot be funded by other means because of their nature or timing. For example, you may wish to attend a workshop or complete a project within a certain time frame and cannot access appropriate funding through any other means.

Please note that Quick Response grants are competitive, and as part of your application you will need to detail why your project cannot be funded through other means.

This type of grant would also suit individual professional development.

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Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program 2023-24
to 12 Feb

Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program 2023-24

The ACDGP 2023-24 Round will support projects that promote Australia’s creative sector and First Nations identity to deepen bilateral partnerships and strengthen our reputation as a modern diverse nation internationally.

The objectives of the grant opportunity are to:
*   support the promotion of Australia’s creative sector internationally
*   support collaborative and innovative projects that promote Australia as a modern, diverse
nation and a source of creative excellence
*   influence perceptions of Australia at home and abroad through building cultural
understanding and connections
*   build people-to-people and /or institutional links internationally
*   support First Nations creative industries and seek opportunities to assist in embedding
First Nations into our Foreign Policy
*   align with ‘Revive’, Australia’s National Cultural Policy.

The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are to:
*   increase public awareness of Australia’s, artistic and cultural assets in the host countries
*   develop enduring partnerships in the creative sector particularly with First Nations focus
in the bilateral, regional and global context between Australian organisations/individuals
and those in the host countries
*   increase Australia’s capacity to effectively engage with the host countries, especially in
the arts and creative sectors to support ongoing collaboration.


To be eligible you must have an Australian Business Number, be registered for the purposes of GST, be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident of Australia. Further details available in the Guidelines.

Australian organisations and individuals can apply. All applications must be submitted using SmartyGrants [].

For more information please read the “Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program (ACDGP) 2023-24 Round Guidelines” [Current Grant Opportunity View – GO6666: GrantConnect (]or contact the ACDGP Secretariat.

For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the submission form, please email and quote your application number.

For more information visit

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