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Tanja Liedtke Foundation | Choreographic Award

The Tanja Liedtke Foundation is offering financial support, of up to €55,000, for the creation of a new work by a choreographer/director who:


  1. has the intellect and choreographic/theatrical skills to make work about complicated ‘life’ issues i.e., not abstract work, it should be about subject matter.

  1. therefore, the choreographer needs to understands the connection between meaning (body language) and movement.

  1.  can say something that speaks to a wider audience than just dance obsessives/aficionados.

If you’d like to be considered for the award, please provide the following information:

i a brief outline of the proposed work, in English, of not more than 300 words.

ii a 3-minute video* as an example of your choreography that supports the intent of your proposal/application.

*This should be a front-on, fixed video, sufficiently wide (to see the whole body/bodies), in one take (i.e., no editing) so we can clearly see the choreography. Footage that is shaky, shot from too far away or too close, or for example that features dark clothing against a dark background that makes it difficult for us to see what you/your dancers are doing, will not be considered.

iii. ensure the video is posted to a site like Vimeo or YouTube and provide a link (and password if required).


Furthermore, please note:

• there is no age restriction for applicants.

• text may be used within the choreographic work, but if it is, it should be spoken in English.

• if we are interested in your proposal, we may request a further video of one of your full-length works that similarly satisfies all the above conditions [as outline in ii. above].  Again, if requested, it should be available to view on Vimeo or YouTube.

• depending on the applications, we may support one artist, or divide the award into smaller amounts to support more than one artist’s work.

• we are not interested in commissioning choreographers who are well supported financially by their governments and/or commissioning venues/Festivals. The aim of this award is to support an artist/artists who for whatever reason, finds themselves struggling to secure funding to make work.  This may be because they are an emerging choreographer, or an establish choreographer whose work may be too difficult/controversial for most mainstream festivals/venues.

• Due to the expected demand for the award, and limited admin, only those artists we are interested in, will be contacted.  If you do not receive a reply to your application, please appreciate that it means we are not interested in pursuing your application and therefore will not be engaging with you in further correspondence.

Please send your application latest 30.September 2023
