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Brisbane International Contemporary Dance Prix | Auditions

September 25th to 30th 2023 

Audition Applications: Open June 1st | Close July 2nd
Participants announced : July 24th
Ages: Junior 15 to 17 (or yr 11 school)  Senior 18 (or yr 12 school)  to 22
Venue : Brisbane - TBA

The Brisbane International Contemporary Dance Prix (Brisbane Prix) brings the contemporary dance world together by engaging internationally acclaimed directors and contemporary dance professionals who are inspirational leaders in their field to educate and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of contemporary dance.
Young dancers, teachers and audience have the opportunity to connect and engage with these international leaders in contemporary dance during the last week of September in Brisbane, Australia each year.

The Brisbane Prix is open to young dancers aged (aged 15-22) from anywhere in the world. Open online video applications of maximum 5 minutes in ballet and contemporary are called for in May to June of each year. A  selection process results in approximately 90 of the most talented applicants being invited to the finals week in late September/early October in Brisbane Australia. 

The selected applicants participate in a weeklong (6 day) program of classical and contemporary dance classes, improvisation, choreography and repertoire with leading choreographers and coaches. An international panel of juror's view and coach participants throughout the week.

The week culminates in theatre performances of all young dancers performing solos of contemporary repertoire and their own creation/improvisation developed during the week.  The jury select finalists from both junior and senior categories to perform in a gala performance.  The jury select dancers who may receive cash scholarships to put towards progressing a professional contemporary dance career. Finalists and all participants have the opportunity to be offered short term and full-time placements or secondments at our leading partner schools or companies.

The BICD Prix also provides Industry forums with Company & Training Institutions