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Funding - Playing Queensland Fund

The Playing Queensland Fund (PQF) supports the delivery of performing and visual arts projects by Queensland artists and organisations that are ready to tour and have demonstrated community interest and confirmed demand.

PQF includes support for touring arts and education activities, and artists in residence projects targeted at schools and kindergartens in regional Queensland.

A component of the fund delivers outcomes under the Queensland Government’s Backing Indigenous Arts Initiative (BIA).


  • Ensure all Queenslanders have access to the arts by supporting high quality performing and visual arts tours taking place in communities across Queensland

  • Increase the number and reach of touring activities

  • Support tours with a strong demonstration of demand

  • Create employment and training opportunities for Queensland artists and arts workers


PQF is a rolling fund with applications accepted at any time.

Applicants must apply at least 12 weeks before their tour commences.

Eligibility criteria

PQF applicants must:

  • be based in Queensland

  • demonstrate that the touring product is from Queensland

  • include at least two regional Queensland communities in their touring proposal (or at least one regional location if applying for artists in residence only).

How to apply

  1. Read the Playing Queensland Fund documents: guidelines, application form, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and important information for applicants.

  2. Apply online.