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Professional Development - Demystifying Dance & Cross-Curricular Links Teacher Professional Development

This Teacher Professional Development session will focus on breaking down the basics of ballet and exploring cross-curricular links to understand the relevance and benefits of including dance in your classroom. Underpinned by current research, workshop sessions will be tailored for early years, primary and secondary educators and will include a masterclass, Q&A with a Guest Artist and morning tea.

Secondary Teachers:
This is a 2-part practical workshop, in the style of contemporary dance, demonstrating how to identify and resolve common choreographic problems that occur when translating choreography from live performance to digital format. Utilising Queensland Ballet flashcards, this workshop demonstrates, through practical application, how to effectively manipulate the dance concepts and skills to produce a dance film. Participants will be provided with a step by step lesson plan as well as other resources to help teach Dance for Film.

Proposed Schedule
9am - 9:30am Registraion
9:30am - 10:45am Masterclass with Rani Luther, QB's Ballet Mistress and Creative Associate
10:45am - 11:30am Q&A with Rani Luther
11:30am - 12pm Morning tea (provided)
12pm - 2:45pm Workshop with QB Education Ambassadors

Primary Teachers:
This workshop explores and adapts a selection of QB classroom activity sheets to structure a progressive dance unit that teachers can easily implement into their practice. Topics include safe dance practice, fundamental movement skills and development of student-lead choreography through exploration of characters. The final part of the workshop will further explore cross-curricular links, and look at how this framework could be adapted to compliment learning across a range of subject areas.

Proposed Schedule
9am - 9:30am Registraion
9:30am - 10:45am Masterclass with Rani Luther, QB's Ballet Mistress and Creative Associate
10:45am - 11:30am Q&A with Rani Luther
11:30am - 12pm Morning tea (provided)
12pm - 1:15pm Workshop with QB Education Teaching Artists

Location: Queensland Ballet Studios, 34 Beesley St, West End QLD 4101

*Please note that the above workshop schedule is a draft only and is subject to change.